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Xponential+ Refund Policy

Xponential+ refund policy

When a subscriber creates an account, you agree to our Terms and Conditions of Service & Private Policy terms on the checkout page.


private policy.png

In our Terms and Conditions of Service, our refund policy states:


No Refunds. PAYMENTS ARE NONREFUNDABLE AND THERE ARE NO REFUNDS OR CREDITS FOR PARTIALLY USED PERIODS. Following any cancellation, however, you will continue to have access to the service through the end of your current billing period. At any time, and for any reason, we may provide a refund, discount, or other consideration to some or all of our subscribers ("credits"). The amount and form of such credits, and the decision to provide them, are at our sole and absolute discretion. The provision of credits in one instance does not entitle you to credits in the future for similar instances, nor does it obligate us to provide credits in the future, under any circumstance.

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