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How To Cancel Xponential+

How to cancel your subscription in the app


Based on privacy laws and app store rules, there are a few different ways to cancel your subscription. If you know how you originally signed up or purchased your X+ subscription, then please follow the appropriate steps below.


If you are seeking a refund, please review our Refund Policy or reach out through the messenger if you believe you've been charged wrongfully.

Please note: If you do not remember how you signed up for X+, please reach out to our live CX Team Member for assistance by opening the messenger at the bottom right corner of the screen.



Quick Links:


Purchased X+ Through The Web:

If you signed up through our website, you can easily cancel your subscription from the User Menu:

Log into your XPLUS account on a web browser on your desktop or on a web browser in your mobile device.

Go to your User Profile at the top right corner.


Web View

user profile.png

Mobile View

mobile user menu.png


Select "Subscription"


Click on "Cancel Plan"




Purchased X+ Through The Apple App Store

If you purchased the X+ app through the Apple App Store using Apple Pay or another payment method, you will need to cancel your subscription through the Apple App Store directly.


Unfortunately, we aren't to manage these subscriptions or assist in possible refunds due to Apple's privacy laws and regulations.


But it is easy to cancel in the Apple App Store! Please visit this link to Apple's Support Desk for further information on how to cancel the X+ Subscription.





Purchased X+ Through The Google Play Store

If you purchased the X+ app through the Google Play Store or on another android device, then you will need manage that subscription on your device through the Google Play Store.


Unfortunately, we aren't to manage these subscriptions or assist in possible refunds due to Google's privacy laws and regulations.


But it is easy to cancel in the Google Play Store! Please visit this link to Google Play's Support Desk for further information on how to cancel the X+ Subscription.





Signed Up Through A Studio Location

If you signed up at a local studio with a studio staff member, we recommend that you ask your studio staff member to cancel your X+ Subscription.


If you have contacted your local studio & need more assistance, please open the messenger at the bottom right corner and get connected with a live CX Team Member for further assistance.


If you signed up through your studio's member portal online, you are able to cancel your subscription through the User Menu. Please follow the same instructions from above's "Purchased X+ Through The Web".


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