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Favorite Classes & Build Endless Playlists

Follow these steps to create your own unique class playlist using Favorites

 Are you the type to revisit a favorite class or plan out your week ahead of time by mapping which classes you want to take? Well our Favoriting feature makes it easier to organize classes in the X+ App.




Quick Links:

Here's a few fan favorite ways to use these feature:

  • Save your favorite classes to a single list for easy access later

  • Build weekly class playlists ahead of time to combat a busy work schedule

  • Group warm up & cool down classes

  • Revisit tough classes you want to try to master

Possibilities are endless!




How To Create A Playlist

Open your mobile app or login on a web browser.

Select a class you want to save to a playlist & select the + icon in the top right corner.

A popup menu will direct you to add to a current list or to create a new list.



How To Find Your Favorites & Playlists

To find the playlists you've built, go to the User Menu in the top right corner (3 bars on mobile or your name on web).


At the top of the menu, select Favorites.

Select the list you're looking for.



How to Remove A Class From A List

Either on the individual class video or from a list, unselect the + icon to remove a class from a list.


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